How do you pronounce your first name?

  • Just call me Guario. Like Wario from the Mario Bros. Saga.

Where are you from?

  • I am from the island of Puerto Rico.

What courses do you typically teach?

  • I typically teach Fundamentals of Programming, Data Structures and Algorithms, Human Computer Interaction and Game Development.

What is your favorite video game?

Why do you like to play video games?

  • Jane McGonigal said that video games make super-empowered hopeful individuals. I like to think I am one of those individuals.

What classes should I take next semester?

  • That is an excellent question.

Can I send you my late homework via email?

  • Sure.

Are you being sarcastic?

  • Sure.

What’s going on?

  • You tell me.

I hear you have an accent.

  • Don’t we all? But more importantly, that is not even a question.

Can you be my advisor?

  • Sure.

How do I make an appointment to meet with you?

  • No appointment necessary, just come to my office during office hours and we can have a chat.

What if your office hours don’t work for me?